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Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.


Why choose Dooder?

Dooder has been an American Riding Instructors Association (ARIA) Level III certified instructor since 2001.

Who else will you find on the farm?

My pint-sized assistant (and son) Hootie, my not-so-pint-sized husband John, and the rest of the zoo.

What makes Dooder’s Sport Horses different?

  • 107 acres of rolling, green, nutritious pastures
  • Lifetime of experience with farm management
  • Miles of trails
  • Large 12’x12′ and 14’x14′ stalls
  • 90’x180′ outdoor arena in a picturesque, natural setting
  • 24 hour care and supervision
  • Fully customizable programs (Special monitored foaling and lay-up care can be provided.)
  • We are conveniently located close to Rushford, Cuba Lakes and I-86.